Nordic Walking

Welcome on the Nordic Walking Šariš site. I have created this site to promote this form of activity in Prešov and its wider vicinity.
Walking is the most natural way of moving for human beings. The main benefit of nordic waling is that it utilizes the upper part of our body. During nordic walking we activate up to 90% of our muscles.

What is nordic walking

It is a walking activity with the use of specific nordic walking poles, realized with the correct technique. It a simple, safe, and fun way of improving our physical condition, regardless of our age, gender, or physical condition.
It is suitable for anyone who wants to move around on fresh air during the entire year, including the people the more senior people and people of these various health issues.
It is an activity with a positive effect on our psychological condition it relieves stress, helps to handle success much better and enables us to the chat detach ourselves from the concerns of everyday life. At the same time, it is an activity with many health benefits.


I am an instructor of the Slovak Nordic Walking Association which educates the instructors according to the most up-to-date methodology. All the SNWA instructors are certified by the World Modern Nordic Walking Academy in Finland.

The trainers
The international educational courses ICNW/MNW Academy are organize all over the world in English by two Modern Nordic Walking international coaches by Tiina Arrankoski a Tuomo Kettunen from Finland.
In Slovakia and in the Czech Republic national trainer of modern Nordic walking is Lucia Okoličányová, the SNWA president and director of the Slovak Modern Nordic Walking Academy and of the Czech Modern Nordic Walking Academy.

Treking -Nordic Walking

The difference between treking and Nordic Walking

The main difference is in the fact that working with our arms makes the upper part of our body to be engaged in the movement. While treking, the walker sticks the treking poles in front of himself or herself and leans on them. The is arm is bent in the elbow. This is not a natural way a walking. During natural walk, our arms are swinging freely along our body, we are not walking with our arms bent at the elbows.
The Nordic walking poles have a „glove “instead of a strap. This glove enables to swing the pole behind the body to an extent that the arm is almost straight and enables to release the grasp of the pole. The glove makes sure that the pole will not fly away, and you can swing the pole forward approximately to the level of the toe of the other leg, where you can grasp it firmly and stick it into the ground. The movement of the arm behind the body enables the rotation of the shoulders and of the spine, which strengthens the spine muscles. Grasping and releasing the pole stimulates the lymphatic system, which in turn enables the discharge of toxins from the body.


On the SNWA YouTube chanel you can watch more instructional videos.


When you go the SNWA site, an interactive maps opens up with the overivew of the forthcoming SNWA events.


The mission and the goal of the Slovak Nordic Walking Association (SNWA)

It is so simple to start

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